Saturday, November 11, 2006

I had a good long day on the wall, but first I was up most of the night working on finishing the full illustrated version of the mural in Illustrator. I wound up adding one guy, and shuffling people around a bit. I think it's drastically improved in terms of readability, but I'm unhappy with color balance right now. I wish Alicia was here to give me her opinion since she's the goddess of color and will surely know what to do.
While out on the wall I managed to draw in Kelly Willis and begin inking her and the girl beside her. I really wanted to make sure to get her right, so I took extra time fussing with proportions. I'm starting to get a knack for guessing where the lines should be without too much trouble, so I'm sure before long I will be whipping them out.

I didn't mention this yesterday, but I was interviewed by M.E. (Music Entertainment) Television in the morning and they want to come back periodically to record the progress and then interview me again when it's complete. It's exciting to hear the buzz from the people that come up to talk to me on the street too. Several cars drove into the parking lot and circled around to stop and watch for a while.

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